Rubber in Engineering Group (RIEG) – Elastomers Used in Medical Applications
(Webinar) Afternoon Technical Discussion Meeting (ATDM) Read more Visit webpage for more info about upcoming events
(Webinar) Afternoon Technical Discussion Meeting (ATDM) Read more Visit webpage for more info about upcoming events
Hei alle medlemmer i NGF Som informert tidligere blir årets høstmøte onsdag 3. november hos Vipo (tidligere Trelleborg) i Krokstadelva. Program og informasjon følger under. For å melde deg på vennligst send en epost til Heidi og si om du ønsker å være med på foredrag og møtet og/eller middagen. Info om betaling blir sendt […]
RubberCon 2021 in Daegu, Korea has been postponed by a couple of months and will now be held on 17-18 November 2021, details are available at
Hei alle medlemmer i NGF Som nevnt tidligere blir vårens fagmøte med årsmøte for NGF arrangert onsdag 4. mai og vil foregå på Engø gård (Gamle Engøvei 25, 3145 Tjøme). Det er lagt opp til overnatting til 5. mai. Vi vil starte med lunsj og det vil være et faglig program etterfulgt av årsmøte og […]
Swedish Institute of Rubber Technology (SGF) organizes rubber conference 10th to 11th of May 2022 at the hotel Tylösand, Halmstad, Sweden. Please visit for more info
The International Rubber Conference Organisation (IRCO) is an association of rubber societies from around the world which plan the calendar for the annual International Rubber Conference (IRC). By careful selection of conference proposals from IRCO member organisation and monitoring of events, the IRCO ensures that all conferences run by its member societies meet the very […]
IRC2022 will be held 24th to 26th November 2022 in Sheraton Grand, Bengaluru Whitefield Hotel & Convention Centre, Bengaluru, south India is completed. The first circular of the Conference is attached for your record and also circulation among all IRCO governing council Members. We are also planning to host the IRCO governing council meeting on […]
This event will specifically discuss and address state-of-the-art in the emerging sectors of flexible materials-based energy generators. Read more
Early bird tickets available & programme announced Discounted tickets are now available for RubberCon 2023, but for a limited time only. Tickets for IOM3 members, IRCO members and non-members are available at a discount of 20%. To take advantage of this offer tickets must be booked before 23:59 on 31 March 2023. Read more
Hei Vårmøte/årsmøte for Norges Gummiteknisk Forening vil avholdes 10. mai i vakre omgivelser på Ramme fjordhotel, Hvidsten, sør for Drøbak ( Det blir foredrag, årsmøte, middag og overnatting for de som ønsker. Vi starter med lunsj, og håper at så mange som mulig ønsker å bli utover kvelden. Følgende foredrag er bekreftet: ‘Compression stress […]