Aktuelt om gummi

Gummimaterialer og anvendelse

Gummimaterialer kjennetegnes av at de er elastiske og har et enormt anvendelsesområde. Som noen eksempler kan nevnes:

  • Dekk
  • O-ringer
  • Tetningslister
  • Gummiduk
  • Fottøy
  • Sportsutstyr og baller
  • Dempere og lager
  • Slanger
  • Membraner
  • Belger
  • Fendere
  • Drivremmer
  • Transportbånd
  • Kabel

+ en lang rekke andre produkter. Her setter kun fantasien grenser.

(Wikipedia: Gummiene (som også går under den mer generelle betegnelsen elastomerer), utgjør en stor og meget viktig gruppe polymere materialer. Det mest karakteristiske ved gummiene er at de har meget lave E-moduler (1–100 N/mm²) og høye bruddtøyninger (εB = 300–1000%), samt at Glassomvandlingstemperaturen (Tg)er lavere enn ca. −20 °C. De gjenvinner sin form praktisk talt øyeblikkelig, selv etter relativt store tøyninger. Se også kautsjuk.)


Historien om NGF

Norges Gummitekniske Forenings spennende historie foreligger i bokform. Boken er ført i pennen av Harald Fredriksen. Hvis du ønsker papirutgaven av boken, kontakt NGF – så sender vi den i posten til deg.

Klikk her for å lese pdf.


New Rubber book release!

Rubber Technology – An Introduction
This a book that provides a basic technical understanding of rubber, as well as more detailed knowledge in several areas, with the aim of giving readers a real insight into the fascinating world of rubber. A good understanding of rubber technology is essential for the rubber industry and for its customers and suppliers, and this book is aimed at everyone who wants to acquire a clear grasp of rubber technology from the ground up, regardless of prior knowledge, occupation or position.

The book covers a broad area and examines the various aspects of rubber technology – materials, processes, products and testing – from both a theoretical and practical perspective, using tables, photos, figures and graphs to illustrate the descriptive text.

The book was written and produced by Nils Levin and Brittmari Ulvås Mårtenson, who have worked together in rubber technology education and literature since 1996. This collaboration is based on extensive knowledge of rubber technology and teaching, with strong commitment to further education and long professional experience in the field.

It is our hope that this book will be widely circulated and read by many people, and thus help to promote the development of rubber technology and stimulate interest in working with rubber.

More information/order

Read more about the book on Rubber Literature by  Laroverket


Kurs, linker og litteratur

Teknologisk Institut, Danmark, kurs «GUMMI – Egenskaber og forarbejdning”.

Et målrettet kursus for dig, der udvikler, producerer, sælger, tester eller anvender gummikomponenter i din virksomhed.

Les mer om kurset

Är du nyfiken på eller vill du helt enkelt lära dig ännu mer om gummi?

Hagvikens Läroverk bedriver kvalificerade yrkesutbildningar på olika kunskapsnivåer.

Välkommen med intresseanmälan! Läs mer på www.hagvikenslaroverk.se

International Rubber Conference Organisation

​The International Rubber Conference Organisation (IRCO) is an association of rubber societies from around the world which plan the calendar for the annual International Rubber Conference (IRC). By careful selection of conference proposals from IRCO member organisation and monitoring of events, the IRCO ensures that all conferences run by its member societies meet the very demanding requirements dictated by the IRCO and thus have been providing delegates with first-class conferences since 1966.

Les mer om IRC

RIEG gruppen (Rubber in Engineering Group) i IOM3 (Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, UK)

The Rubber in Engineering Group, a committee of The Polymer Society, organises regular meetings and conferences on the theme of understanding the use of elastomers as engineering materials.

Click here to read more

Elastomer in oil and gas training course by DNV

The purpose of this course is to learn about the different challenges related to the use of elastomer materials, so that you can assess and improve the quality and robustness of oil and gas equipment.

Click here to read more

IRCO Student Prize

Since 2016, the International Rubber Conference Organisation (IRCO) has supported an award of a Student Prize at the annual International Rubber Conference (IRC), details of past winners can be found at www.internationalrubberconference.org

Read more: IRCO Student Prize 2019

NRC 2019

21– 22 May, the Nordic Rubber Conference 2019 was held at Holmen Fjordhotell in Asker

Click here to download presentations (password reqiured)